Gradient Technologies

Contact Name: George Harper

Company Phone: 617-249-4020

Company Website:

Who are we:

Cybersecurity has been a reactive game -- it attempts to plug holes, search for rogue agents, look for signs something's amiss. It's hopelessly ineffective. Gradient’s full stack zero-trust platform proactively builds trust from silicon to applications, from edge to cloud, on any device (servers/cloud/IoT/access systems/wireless/more). Gradient enables devices & software to assess the identity & trustworthiness of connected systems with certainty. We are showcasing the application of Gradient to BYOD: improved, real-time security using a cryptographic fingerprint of HW & SW for authentication & a simplified, single-sign-on (SSO) login experience for laptop/mobile/etc. users, cross-secured by requiring the presence of the physical device.
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